Hi Beauties!

Remember when breakfast was the most important meal of the day? Or so we thought. In fact, new research shows there may be benefits from skipping your avocado toast in the morning. In this week's Five Minute Friday, I will discussing the increasing popular Intermittent Fasting diet; its benefits and my personal experience. Intermittent fasting has shown effective results for weight loss, benefits include improving insulin resistance, lowering cholesterol, and reducing inflammation. In my experience, I like to have a late dinner around 8 pm and have a low calorie to zero calorie meal in the morning like green juice or black coffee. I 100% stand by adding my popular Simply Inulin powder and Internal Radiance Beauty Collagen to my juices because they keep me satiated until lunch. Over the course of the pandemic, I have lost 15 pounds while intermittent fasting! Can you believe it? Comment down below if you are currently on or wanting to try Intermittent Fasting. Just remember: There's no one-size fits-all plan when it comes to diet and lifestyle. Obviously, consult your physician if you're thinking of beginning this diet. If you have a question for something you’d like covered on the podcast, feel free to send me a DM or email [email protected] and I’d be happy to respond!

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Click Here to purchase Internal Radiance Beauty Collagen

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