Happy Friday, Beauty Byters! 

In this week’s Five Minute Friday, I will be discussing the impact of air pollution on skin! Exposure of the skin to air pollutants has been associated with skin aging and inflammatory or allergic skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis or acne. Although human skin acts as a biological shield against pro-oxidative chemical and physical air pollutants, the prolonged or repetitive exposure to high levels of these pollutants may have profound negative effects on the skin. The protective ability of the skin is not unlimited, and problems arise when an abnormal exposure to environmental stressors exceeds the skin's normal defensive potential To hear more about how to protect your skin from air pollution tune in to this weeks podcast. I love informing my Beauty Byters with new information! Have a question or something you’d like covered on the podcast? Send me a DM or email [email protected]!

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