Happy Friday, Beauties!

The end of quarantine is finally near, but the end of COVID19 is far from over. As we approach the lifting of the stay-at-home order, we must start thinking of the future. Yes, we are all so excited to be back in the office, whether as a patient or provider, but we must understand that the Corona Virus isn’t going anywhere, and we must remain just as cautious, if not more, than when we were in lockdown. On today’s Five Minute Friday, I discuss what can be expected in the office post-quarantine, and how to protect yourself in public. From pre-screening and online forms, to skipping the waiting room and rinsing your mouth with betadine solution, we must remain patient, as this is new to all of us. Tune in now to get the inside scoop on staying safe in the medical office and keeping your business running smoothly in this post-COVID era. Don’t forget to check out the link at the bottom of the description, for my post-COVID19 injection resources, protocols, guidelines, and stay beautiful and safe! 
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Find my post-COVID injection protocols, guidelines, and resources here

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