Happy Friday Beauty Byters! 
On this week's Five Minute Friday, we discuss a topic that has left many business owners and the aesthetics industry in a state of uncertainty. The COVID-19 Pandemic is a crisis that many never saw coming. As a business owner, there are many responsibilities that require your undivided attention ⏤ even in a pandemic. If you've been feeling stressed during this pandemic, I'm here to tell you that you aren't alone. I share some of the ways that you can continue to generate revenue and plan for the future as a business owner. It's natural to need a breather every once in a while but try to remember to see the silver-lining in every situation in life. These trying, uncertain times are not easy. Whether you or a loved one has fallen ill during this time or you've been left up at night concerned about keeping your staff onboard, this pandemic has affected every one of us in some way. From virtual consultations to beginning a passion project, I share with you my favorite ways to keep productive and positive during these trying time. Press the play button to find your passion project! 
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