Elisabeth Donaldson is an Actress, Filmmaker and Multidisciplinary artist living in Nashville TN. After moving to Nashville from Los Angeles in 2009 to work non profit- Elisabeth found her way back into the film world as a music video wardrobe stylist- styling projects for bands such as The Black Keys and Brad Paisley. She also began stepping into the world of photography- “it started out as just taking advanced selfies so I could have photos for a thrift blog I was doing at the time- and then turned into so much more.”

From there she started Directing music videos all while carving out a strong place for herself as a go to comedy actress in Nashville. “I just started really leaning into comedy and using all the behind the camera and social media skills I had developed- and things really started taking shape. The longer time goes on- the more I realize just how much I LOVE to make people laugh. In a world that can feel so insane- it’s so important to me to bring others joy and encouragement.”