"Today I am a single mother of an 8 year old young man lol. I will be the first to admit with being a single mother comes challenges. I, Chawnika Sanders, am the sole provider for my son. His reality right now is he is being raised in a single parent household. Some days I want to take a break and just stop the routine that has become apart of our everyday lives. Not to do anything but lounge around and throw up a middle finger to the constant fast forward of our on the go everyday living. Because mama has to work. Of course I don't because I have to save time for those days when, out of no where, our world is interrupted by the things that are out of our control."


Baby Mamas we got this. When our world is interrupted take a moment to yourself. You deserve that much. Let your child know when you are overwhelmed. They will appreciate it and understand. Kids don't come with instructions. You won't get everything right. Today, with you I stand in the chaos that has become our lives!!"

-  Chawnika Sanders: Strong as a Mother