In this episode we sit down with Melissa Crim and Amy Ridings, both Nashville based therapists specializing in trauma. Not only do these women help others navigate their way through trauma, they are both residents of East Nashville, an area that was dramatically effected by the March 3rd F3/4 tornado that ripped through Nashville in the middle of the night and continued on into Putnam County. Over 50 miles away.  

This episode isn't like our normal episodes where we showcase an individual or an individual story. In this episode we offer information about how to walk through trauma and come out the other side. How to recognizing triggers and work your way through them, how to be mindful and present in the midst of chaos. How to not feel like you have to do it all, how important it is to rest and recover, and how important it is to have community. 

Even if you are not a resident of Middle Tennessee, and did not directly experience this particular tornado, this episode will still be beneficial to those of you that are dealing with other traumatic experiences and we hope this helps you too.