"My name is Amanda Cortese. I’m a 33 year old wife and a mother of two boys. And I was diagnosed with Stage IV Breast Cancer in October, 2018. Since diagnosis I have endured chemotherapy and all of the side effects that come with it, MRIs, CT scans, PET scans and more blood draws than I can count. It has not been an easy road, but I am doing my best to handle it with strength and a positive attitude. My family and friends keep me busy and surrounded with love. I have done my best to stay active by continuing to do the workouts I enjoy. And I try to maintain as much of my normal life just as I did before diagnosis. I have to stay strong, especially for my kids. Cancer, for me, will be a never-ending journey. I will spend the rest of my life receiving treatments and getting scans. I hope and pray every day that I will achieve something called NED, No Evidence of Disease. Because, being Stage IV, I cannot be cured. I promised myself that I will face each new challenge presented to me with courage and that I will never give up. And, as a little self-therapy and to keep people updated with how I’m doing, I’ve been blogging about my journey. I’m so grateful to anyone who reads. You all inspire me to keep going." --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app