Visit our website for a complete set of show notes and links to almost everything discussed in this episode

Selected References:

2:05 - See “What is Celiac Disease?” and “What is Gluten?” (Celiac Disease Foundation)9:24 - Listen to Beautiful Illusions Episode 16 - Partisan Pizza from July 202117:45 - See “Confirmation Bias And the Power of Disconfirming Evidence” (Farnam Street Blog)21:42 - Listen to Beautiful Illusions Episode 21 - The Myth of the Desert Island Self from January 202221:46 - Listen to Beautiful Illusions Episode 19 - How We Learn Like A Scout: Critically Thinking About Critical Thinking from October 2021, where we discuss The Scout Mindset: Why Some People See Things Clearly and Others Don't by Julia Galef29:58 - See “Celiac Disease vs. Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity vs. Food Allergy” (Cleveland Clinic)31:22 - The Hidden Spring by Mark Solms33:45 - See “Fred Rogers on Education and Teaching”   (YouTube) - “The best teacher in the world is someone who loves what he or she does and just loves it in front of you.”

This episode was recorded remotely in January 2023

The “Beautiful Illusions Theme” was performed by Darron Vigliotti (guitar) and Joseph Vigliotti (drums), and was written and recorded by Darron Vigliotti