In this episode, host Beau Bradley (he/they) discusses upcoming National Day of Silence for LGBTQIA+ Students, which occurs on the second Saturday in April every year.  He breaks down GLSEN (Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network) - the organization behind Day of Silence, and their 2019 National School Climate Survey to explain the harrowing statistics and reasons why we need to protect queer students today, and every day. All students deserve a safe and stable learning environment. Then, Beau sits down with Pennsylvania State University students Christina Baker (she/her) and Necla Kara (he/him), the leadership behind a new project, Ally House Jr. This student-run project is currently in communication with campus administration, requesting to build a tiny rainbow colored art gallery on campus. This small structure would contain art from queer artists and hold fundraising efforts to raise money for Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming students on campus to put towards their medical transitions. Necla mentions that he came up with this idea while being approached in his role as President of Ally House - a LGBTQIA+ Student Living Option at Penn State, where students and residents were asking for resources related to surgical funding.

If you are interested in donating artwork or money to Ally House Jr, please DM them on social media. You can find them on Instagram @Allyhousejr.psu or on Twitter @Allyhousejr_psu. You can also find Ally House, the Student Living Option @Allyhouse.psu on IG.

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Resources and References: 

GLSEN 2019 NSCS Full Report: What Are My Rights at School: Supporting Trans/GNC Students: A Guide for Schools (K-12) for supporting Trans students: Athletic Equality Index - Athlete Ally