Hell's Kitchen Chefs, Barret Beyer and Anthony Rodriguez, are back at it for episode 12 of Triple F with the Chef. Lydia Cornell is episode 12's guest. Cornell will be giving dating tips for Valentines Day weekend.

In episode 12, Barret and Anthony welcome the exquisite Lydia Cornell to the "virtual studio." Lydia Cornell, a beloved sex symbol best known for the classic series "Too Close for Comfort," more recently seen on HBO's "Curb Your Enthusiasm" and several award-winning independent films, has spent the better part of the last decade raising boys, working as an activist for women's issues, writing her upcoming humor book series, and preparing her return to TV and the airwaves, including her show "On the Edge w/ Lydia Cornell, on the Beats & Eats Podcast Network.

Check out the BONUS CONTENT featured on the Beats & Eats FREE Mobile APP for IOS. The bonus content is a personal video message from Chefs Barret and Anthony, to their fans.

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