Tonight (09/27/16 @ 9pm) we’re back for Beat*Shot Radio’s Live Takeover! Discussion topics will include: ★Special Guest: Yoga instructor, Lauren Jacobs, comes through to save the day with her mad sick yoga skillz and dope social commentary. ★Debate And Switch: … Continue reading "Guest: Yoga Instructor Lauren Jacobs, Trump/Clinton Debate, Safe Words, #UnBanALLdaHomies, Tyre King | Beat*Shot Radio Takeover 09-27-2016"

Tonight (09/27/16 @ 9pm) we’re back for Beat*Shot Radio’s Live Takeover! Discussion topics will include:

★Special Guest: Yoga instructor, Lauren Jacobs, comes through to save the day with her mad sick yoga skillz and dope social commentary.

★Debate And Switch: We discuss last night’s glorious train wreck that was the first presidential debate of 2016.

★Safe Words: From family safety words and secret club access, to BDSM cease and desist prompts, we discuss a variety of uses for secret code words and reveal some of our own from past and present. Tweet yours to @BeatShotRadio #SafeWords (and explain what it’s for).

★Banned In The USA: Three Beat*Shot Radio Hosts are currently banned from Facebook. We vent. Sign the petition:

★Yoga Trivia!: We say a word or phrase and you have to guess if it’s a yoga pose or an American movie title poorly translated to another language. Ex: The “Supertough Kangaroo” [Tweet your answers to #YogaTrivia @BeatShotRadio]

★Tyre King: In a month of horrific police killings, we discuss the recent death of 13 year old Tyre King, and how police brutality as a parental rights issue.

★Is It A Wallet?: We come up with the definitive list of things Mary J. Blige thinks Black folks shouldn’t hold in their hands if they don’t want to get shot by the police.