Beat*Shot Radio Takeover airs live on every Tuesday night at 9PM EST. Discussion topics include: ★Special Guest: DJ Playground! ★Still Life: A Louisiana woman recently shared vivid pictures of her stillborn baby (only 21 weeks old) on … Continue reading "DJ Playground Interview, Atrocity Trivia!, Stillborn Baby Controversy, Decolonization, Raven-Symoné Ridicule | Beat*Shot Radio Takeover 10-13-2015"

Beat*Shot Radio Takeover airs live on every Tuesday night at 9PM EST. Discussion topics include:

★Special Guest: DJ Playground!

★Still Life: A Louisiana woman recently shared vivid pictures of her stillborn baby (only 21 weeks old) on social media. Several users flagged them as triggering and offensive while others found the images inspiring. Facebook moderators appear to be on the fence, so we’ll settle the issue for them.

★Legalize Everything: We examine the pros and cons of legalizing any act that doesn’t directly put others at risk; from all drug use, to jay walking, to tinted windows.

★Lovely Weather We’re Having: The Farmer’s Almanac says another rough winter is headed our way. We discuss why this is actually good news.

★Decolonize Your World: Americans finally seem ready to abolish Columbus Day, but does exposing celebrations and symbols of oppression actually matter?

★Water World: Freestyle story time where hosts tell any personal story related to the thirst quenching element mysteriously left out of Earth, Wind, & Fire. We won’t discuss scientists finding water on mars, because nobody really cares.

★Debate Me, Bro: Tonight is the first Democratic debate, but do we really care what the lesser of two evils has to say anymore? Especially when the GOP have the market cornered on entertaining candidates.

★Raven Lunatic: When celebrities like Raven-Symone say problematic things, is it our duty to publically chastise them, or should direct our outrage elsewhere?

★Atrocity Trivia!: Using only the horrible acts committed by an individual or group, hosts have to guess WHO committed these human atrocities.

★Don’t Google That!: Innocent phrases you shouldn’t Google Image Search.