Today Lisa Anne gets a chance to sit down with Joey Mcglamory Georgia chapter of More Heart Than Scars Director. Brother Boggs hopped on also to catch up with everyone.  You may have noticed that after 4 years of publishing episodes every Monday BeastNet disappeared for 2 weeks.  Brother Boggs came down with COVID and just as soon as he was cleared to return to work his granddaughter brought him Bronchitis home from daycare.  Boggs is back up and around but has a nagging cough, so he doesn't say much on this episode.

Joey just summited Mount Kilimanjaro and it made for great practice for the 2022 Machu Picchu and Mount Kilimanjaro trips with adaptive athletes. This episode is best watched on Youtube or Facebook as there are many visual queues that we couldn't show int he audio only file.  At the Spartan Race Atlanta Joey and his wife had the honor of Knighting and Dameing 4 more people into the MHTS ranks.   

If you or someone you know are battling addictions call:

National addiction hotline


If you are someone you know are dealing with mental health issues please call:


If you or someone you know is dealing with domestic abuse please call:


If you or someone you love is contemplating hurting themselves please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255), veterens press 1..

We at MHTS now have a surplus of wristbands with the suicide prevention lifeline

number inside. Please visit us at to make a donation and we will happily send you some. Don’t forget to include your mailing address. By getting a wristband you could save a a life!!

More Heart Than Scars

LegendBorne Sportswear

Shower Toga

BeastNet Podcast

The Original WarriorPak

Returning The Favor

22 is 22 too many

Carry The Load

Operation Enduring Warrior

Oscar Mike Foundation

Mission 22


For Those Who Would


PTSD Mental Health Advocate

Break The Silence Against Domestic Violence

Veterans Suicide-Prevention

Mental Health Awareness

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