Today Lisa Anne talks with Casey Griffith.  Lisa and Don got a chance to run Phoenix Race OCR Meridian MS with Casey and it was her first OCR.  Casey's story has a bunch of life obstacles that she has had to overcome, from loss of her love, heart surgery, to addiction, and fibromyalgia. Just getting up in the mornings hurts for her.  She comes on the show to talk about her introduction to More Heart Than Scars and what OCR has become for her.

Find Casey on Facebook and Instagram @FireHouseFitLLC

BeastNet is one of the founding members of and we would like to let you know what it is.

What is OCR Strong?

•Our goal is to help.  We have partnered with OCR events and brands to help the OCR Community.

•We know this was a hard year for many there has been no recovery.  We want to help you get back on the course.

•Go to and order one of our shirts to support our  community.  We also have the application link and events listed that are  participating with OCR Strong.  We want to help your registration for  our partnered events.

•This is a community.  We help when we can.  Let’s continue to extend  a hand and help those that need it.   Thanks for being OCR Strong.

How it works:

Step 1 - You buy the @ocr_strong shirt

Step 2 - If you know someone affected by COVID and wants help  attending one of our partners events, have your friend fill out the  application at

Step 3 - The more shirts that are sold the more people we can help.

•First person helped will be a First Responder at @frontlineocr

•Comment or message for more information. Our partners are:


OCR Buddy

Mud Racer Company


Frontline OCR

Race Ready Obstacles

Celtic Warrior Challenge

More Heart Than Scars

OCR Racers

EPIC Series

Berserker Brew Coffee

Highlander Assault

Lionhearts Fitness

Phoenix Race OCR

The Dolichos Race

Dragon Obstacle Course Race

The Marion Made Challenge

#ocrstrong #helpushelpyou #fullcircleproject #ocr #obstaclerace  #obstaclecourseracing #mudrun #racereadyobstacles #frontlineocr  #beastnetpod #moreheartthanscars #mhts #celticwarriorchallenge #cwc  #ocrtriad #ocrracers #epicseries #berserkerbrew #highlanderassault  #lionheartsfitness #sceniccitymudrun #scmr #dolichosrace #dragonocr #mmc  #marionmade #mrc #mudracercompany #ocraddix #ocrbuddy

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