Today one the BeastNet Brother Boggs stops in to talk with Pretty Mike about the BeastNet 2024 OCR and event schedule as well as some of the exciting this coming in 2024.

More heart Than Scars, Oscar Mike, Operation Enduring Warrior, Ainsley's Angels and more are discussed as well as More Heart Than Scars Tanzania and BirdMine Productions. Lots of great info on Mike and Don's Why and whats happening.

Want to race Spartan, Tough Mudder, or Deka and save some $$? Check out More Heart Than Scars for the best deal on these races you will find.  #BeastNetPod #Adaptiveathlete #Podcast #ocr #obstaclerace  #obstaclecourseracing #mudrun #beastsocr #moreheartthanscars #Nuun  #TeamNuun #mhts #ocrracers #MudGear #berserkerbrew #ocraddix #ocrbuddy    Music Info:


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