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Finn/TraaaashPanda and founder of Fuzznet World joins us this week to discuss their involvement in the fandom and all the things they do in the fandom. Taebyn tries really, really hard to set up a failed joke. Bearly relates a story about when he found his first mailbag.  Bearly Sings a song…yep…Bearly! Does Majira listen to our podcast? Did a cockatiel want to go to schoool? We chat a bit about Statler the Flying Fox, the Ursa Major Award, Taebyn has a lot of questions, and tells us a story, and we once again tell some really bad jokes. Just what happens when Taebyn is left alone for a few minutes? So join us and spend some time without a care!

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Thanks to all our listeners and to our staff: Bearly Normal, Rayne Raccoon, Taebyn, and Ziggy the Meme Weasel.

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