This Mission Report is provided by Proxy Tango, a member of the Beam Saber community and discord server!

Briefing: A new trend is spreading across the Exodus Republics Incorporated core worlds, an interest in authentic Earth wildlife! The demand for exotic fauna in leisure parks across ExInc space has lead Trans-Horizons Incorporated to contract Takuma Transportation Solutions with the collection of any old animal they can get their hands on. TTS have subcontracted you to lead a herd of ‘Unicorns’ to a specially made corral for processing, auction, and eventual transportation to a private ExInc Zoo. The catch? Those Unicorns are good eating and a squad of Raccoons is after them. Take them out and don’t damage the product.

Employer: Takuma Transportation Solutions [Tier III-W, Corporatocracy]

Target: The Raccoons [Tier I-S, Autocracy]

Objective: Get the ‘Unicorns’ to the designated corral site. Secondary: Bonus pay if you get them all there with no casualties.

ROE: Don’t shoot the product, do NOT let anyone else in on our new cash cow, Path Cascade is to be shot on sight (Trans-Horizons Inc. Company Policy)



The Raccoons are on site already with four ‘Gibbon’ Variants of the common Ape Light AWV Frame, sacrificing armor in favor of a wheeled mobility suite. An Elephant hauler is en route to take Unicorns loaded into cages back to an outpost for later transport to Fort Jovanol to be processed into rations. The Unicorns themselves are horse-sized pseudo-sheep with a single curved horn sprouting from their heads, the males, of which this herd has five (one adult, four juveniles), are extremely aggressive when it comes to protecting the herd. The rest, consisting of six females and four lambs, will attempt to flee to protect the lambs when given an opportunity, potentially falling off a nearby cliff onto the plains below.


Unbeknownst to all involved, The Great Crimson Brigade [Tier IV-S, Independent] are engaged in a running battle with the Dragon Slayers [Tier III-S, Autocracy] which will take both directly over the skirmish between the squad and Raccoons.  The Raccoons will immediately begin begging the Slayers to reinforce their position in exchange for fire support with the Brigade.


Aiding the Crimson Brigade will ingratiate the squad to them, though fully crushing the Slayers and Raccoons will cause them to ask questions about what the Unicorns are being used for and it’ll take diplomacy for them not to claim the animals for their own purposes. The Slayer unit consists of one Wyrm heavy assault flight AWV which will preoccupy itself with the Mobile Fortress’ defenses unless provoked, two Drake light escort AWVs, and three Wyvern medium assault AWVs lead by Duchess Cecilia “Hurricane” Eager’s custom model. All of them have mobility suites with the Drakes using machine guns, the Wyrm coming equipped with a heavy cannon and armor, and the Wyverns boasting melee and energy weapons. The Brigade’s forces consist of the Fortress itself equipped with its point defense and main cannons along with an assemblage of AWVs salvaged and stolen from all around Izya, most prominent of which is the prototype Izya Military “Tengu” AWV piloted by the Brigade’s Ace “Fuego” Flamenco. Feel free to use example AWVs from the book or invent your own. Upon nearing proximity to the Raccoons and herd, the squad’s proxies will alert them to their emails being spammed with emergency SOS messages from a proxy belonging to Theodosia “Theo” Dusker, a reporter for The Quill [Tier II-S, Democracy]. Ms. Dusker is begging for help and is willing to pay for a rescue. The Raccoons are convinced that Dusker is a spy for the DFS, she contends she was simply following up on a wildlife survey about native wildlife becoming endangered for mysterious reasons. Upon the Raccoons being defeated or Dusker being rescued she’ll reveal that she was telling the truth and is extremely keen to know what the Squad is going to do with the Unicorns. If left behind she will attempt to use any non-destroyed vehicle to tail the party back to the meeting spot with TSS. If the party attempts to ignore the SOS, the proxy will try to ping their locations to the Raccoons in a bid to have them focus on the bigger threat so Dusker can escape. If pressed, the TSS representative will reveal that animals going endangered thanks to both the war and factions’ actions is part of what’s making them so valuable back home: Scarcity creates rarity which creates profit. A storm in the area could reach the operational area, which the Raccoons are desperately attempting to avoid. Once the storm hits the reason for this is clear as lightning strikes one of the Unicorn’s horns and is promptly redirected into hitting one of the Gibbons. The players now have to deal with with flashy natural defense mechanism.



Kiri Izula, Takuma Sub-Contracting Liaison, She/Her, Late 30’s, Dark Blue Bunned Hair, Business Suit in TTS Company Colors. She wants the profits from completing this animal capture job and doesn’t care how the squad gets it done. Sgt. Cooper “Barracuda” Mahal, Raccoon Squad Leader, He/Him, Early 30’s, messy beard and bald head covered with a bandanna, disheveled military uniform. Casual but cruel in his desire to butcher the Unicorns. Pilot Kila “Fuego” Flamenco, Crimson Brigade AWV Ace, They/Them, Mid-20’s, Latinx features, spiky green hair, red environmental suit, hot blooded and energetic. Pilots the salvaged Izyan Prototype “Tengu” Military AWV known as “Wildfire”. Is engaged in a duel with Duchess Eager when the two squads intrude on the mission. Duchess Cecilia “Hurricane” Eager, Dragon Slayers AWV Ace, She/Her, Mid-20’s, masked face, long curly red hair, opulent purple dress uniform, pompous and haughty. Pilots a custom purple and gold “Wyvern” Pursuit AWV. Is engaged in a duel with her rival Fuego when the two squads intrude. Captain Brutus Jones, Leader of the Brigade, an Ex-Izyan Armed Forces Commander, He/Him, Late 50’s, salt and pepper buzzcut, black skin, old IAF Officer’s Uniform. Curt and pragmatic, will offer an alliance with the squad so long as the Slayers and Raccoons are a threat. Theodosia “Theo” Dusker, Reporter for the Quill, She/Her, early 30’s, auburn ponytail, casual wear. Clever and wry, she’s willing to ask the squad for help rescuing her but will try to blow the whistle if she can tail the squad to their rendezvous.



The four-AWV Gibbon squad and their Elephant backup. Aggressive and timid members of the herd. The Dragon Slayers and Brigade battling overhead. The Slayers joining the Raccoons Possibility of the Brigade taking the Unicorns. The Raccoons holding the Quill Reporter hostage. The Quill reporter attempting to blow the whistle on ExInc shipping away the Unicorns. The Unicorns’ natural defenses activated by the storm.

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