This Mission Report comes from the Cenotaph stream campaign.

BRIEFING: Two large transport vehicles are heading from Journey City to Fort Jovanol. They need to be redirected to Hulinton. The Heard are providing security with a single AWV, a coyote artillery mech. 

EMPLOYER: The Breath of Faith (Tier 3S), represented by Casil Kim, doesn't know the contents of the transports, but have received intel that they are important.

TARGET: The Heard (Tier 3w)

OBJECTIVE: Retrieve both large transports. 

ROE: NO employing force against civilians; NO firing upon or presenting as a clearly marked medical transport or facility;

COMPLICATION: An AI with a grudge against The Breath fed them intel that these transports should be rerouted to Hulinton, when in fact the transports have a band (Point Defence Cannon aka PDC), their support staff, and their concert gear. The reason for this is to arrange a meeting between between Lady Elreth (a fan of PDC who will go to Hulinton, but not Fort Jovanol for a show), Bishop Finmal (who is curious about the concert in Hulinton), and the Dark Room (who are already embedded with PDC).

There are Dark Room operatives among the roadies and they may interfere; The Heard may send air units to check on the transports; The Heard may request reinforcements; both transports are too large for an AWV to carry (one carries the band and staff, the other carries concert gear); manager is trying to get a cut for this; Alice Foundation may appear, she pilots a Lion custom the “Savannah Sovereign”. 


4 PDC band members:  Nancy Benetti: vocals (she, early 20s, buzzed black hair, skinny, dark skin, sharp features, lots of piercings and UV tattoos),  Ryan Williams: drums (he, late 20s, green flat top haircut, bronze skin, muscular, rounded features),  Aubrey Gardner: guitar (they, early 20s, shoulder length brown hair, tanned skin, stocky, gentle face), and  Petra Dinovski: bass (she, early 40s, pink and purple mohawk, pale skin, buff build, hard face) .  Band manager: Athena Actual, mid 30s, athletic build, east Asian, blue hair in a mass of curls, sharp features.  Cleanser Yeofeld: the AWV pilot escorting the transport (they/them, brown skin, long red hair in a bun, slim build, flat features)
Alice Foundation: (she/her, mid 20s, white, buzzed blonde hair, slim muscular build, fierce but tired face) Agent of The Heard. Pilots the Savannah Sovereign, a Lion custom modified from a heavy artillery AWV into a close quarters jousting mech. An excellent pilot.  Dark Room operators disguised as roadies. Pars Piani, she, late 30s, white, lithe build, black pompadour, hard face. Member of the Dark Room. Almond Templeton, he, early 40s, dark skin, wiry build, short black hair, soft face. Noon Tide, early 50s, he, pale skin, strong build, short grey hair, scarred face.


The initial Heard escort, Cleanser Yeofeld. The Dark Room operatives want PDC to go to Fort Jovanol so they can infiltrate that base. Moving the transports is difficult because they are so heavy, OR they can be driven, which has its own issues. Alice Foundation and/or other Heard reinforcements may arrive. The band and their gear, each in a separate transport, must survive the trip to Hulinton.