Join the BeamRadio Panel as they talk about lanugage adoption, learning Elixir and solving pain points with Steve Bussey, author of Real-time Phoenix and From Ruby to Elixir.
Real-time Phoenix (
From Ruby to Elixir (
Find Steve Bussey on Twitter/X: @YOOOODAAAA
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Join the BeamRadio Panel as they talk about lanugage adoption, learning Elixir and solving pain points with Steve Bussey, author of Real-time Phoenix and From Ruby to Elixir.

Real-time Phoenix

From Ruby to Elixir

Find Steve Bussey on Twitter/X: @YOOOODAAAA

We want to connect with you!

Twitter: @BeamRadio1

Send us your questions via Twitter @BeamRadio1 #ProcessMailbox

Keep up to date with our hosts on Twitter







and on Mastodon

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Sponsored by Groxio and Underjord