Ding ding seconds out, we’re on to the final round!

In Stuart’s corner we have a stout from our friends at Krafty Brew called Chocolate Stout. @KraftyBrew

In John’s corner we have wheat beer from Rose Brew called White Rose. @RoseBrewBeers
Divided opinion on the beers in this round. Stuart scored the Chocolate stout a 7 out of 10 while John only scored it a 4. The White Rose faired even less well with a 5 from Stuart and a 5.5 from John.

We start with a chat about cans and can art. Some excellent stuff out there.

John has an epiphany! Maybe, he thinks.

When it’s chilly don’t put the heating on, grab a blanket!

A bottle opener in your belt buckle? Clever.

Stuart has his key sounds turned on on his phone, come on dude, stop it.

Bad word of the day examples.


Best Simpsons episode ever? ohn claims it’s the Thomsons.

Alan Davies, As Yet Untitled, living the dream.

Phil Jupitus, smug tw@ or funny guy?

Jai Dugg and Stoo Pot are so gangsta!

Robocop chat, the original was way better, yes?

The Chocolate Stout Scrapes this round with a combined score of 11, only .5 ahead of White Rose’s 10.5.

In ascending order the beers this week were:

White Rose – 10.5
American Dream and Chocolate Stout – 11
Session Ipa – 12.5
Neck Oil – 14.5

But the winner this week with a combined score of 15 points is the Sofa King Pale Ale from To Ol

Until next time, enjoy your brew.

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