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Stephen is summarizing 2000 years of mankind's response to the call of God.  It is not a pretty picture.  Repeatedly, they cry out: "You are NOT THE BOSS OF ME."  

All along, we see a history of God that is quite flattering.  "I have seen.  I have heard. I have come down.  I deliver. I have sent.  I will be with you." He does so with Patriarchs, promises, covenants and His presence.

Yet, our early brothers and sisters just would not have it.  They "refused to obey. Thrust him (Moses) aside. Rejected the helper.  Moses? Who is he? In their hearts returned to Egypt." Moses? "Who made you ruler and judge over us?" Well, it was God.  All along He was preparing a people to be rescued by Jesus. Moses was a part of that plan.

Our theme today is "You're not the boss of me."  Or, we can maybe move an inch towards, "wait You ARE the BOSS OF ME!"  It will be the greatest distance in the world.  

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