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Have you ever thought this world was a bit upside-down? Had an interaction with death that was unpleasant? Seen an evil that made you cringe? Wondered WHY is there evil?

If Christ wasn't raised, you can expect an eternity of the above.  However, if He really was raised, and the resurrection is true, then it has epic consequences for us:

we get a future resurrectionWe get a future alivenesswe get to say"I belong to Him" when faced with judgmentwe get to stay in a Kingdom that is better than a 7 day cruise to the Greek Isleswe get to watch evil be destroyed foreverwe get to see death destroyed forever

Join me for a 7 minute listen for a future, a "hope", that we get to believe in IF Christ was raised.  Though I cannot answer today WHY there is evil, I will thoroughly answer WHEN there is evil, and specifically, when it will be no more.  You can like, share, retweet, forward, join, and sign up for more good news tomorrow.