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Why were there 12 disciples originally?  Because Jesus said so.
Why were there 11 disciples after the last supper?   Because Judas said so.
Why were there 12 disciples after the ascension? Because DAVID, King David of 1000 years before said so! (and the Holy Spirit who wrote through David, of course)

We find the negotiations and figuring out of the early church here.  They first search the scriptures (and maybe ask Jesus who was with them for 40 real days).  Then they TRUSTED the scriptures.  That is, everybody decides how authoritative scripture is going to be in their life.  Will I do what the Bible says?  Here we see the 11 disciples answer.  Will we be a people of the book?  Yes.  Will we try to obey it when we see it? Yes.  Will we search out our answers there?  Yes.  Will we use the Bible to figure out what the will of God is?  Yes.

Watch this in real time.  This is fascinating to watch the first-steps of Biblical adherence of these not-yet-Holy-Spirit-filled men.  Why did there end up being 12 disciples again?  Listen 7 minutes and find out WHY.  Tomorrow we'll find out HOW.  Subscribe, like, share and be a fan: