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Who is BOSS of Sunday's?  Who is boss of sexual morals?  Who is boss of what I do with money?  These are all questions that are in play throughout history, even today.

Primarily, they ask who gets to decide?  The funny thing is, is that Jesus is right there giving them a big heads-up as to what He likes.  They ignore HIM and tell Him what they-think-He-would-want.  It is a ridiculous scenario. They say what HE just DID, as all-time-rule-maker, is WRONG.

The theological principle is called the REGULATIVE PRINCIPLE.  Who gets to make the rules? Who is the boss?  Who gets to determine what is regulative?  Who gets to determine what God is like.  Short answer:  NOT YOU.  Short answer: HE DOES.

Of course we don't like many of the answers.  But the critical thing is what we DO with our DISLIKE.  Do we yield to Him, or just say, it is "true"; it doesn't exist? Listen and find a few things YOU DON'T LIKE.  Share and subscribe [email protected]