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Jesus rebukes Nicodemus in a good way.  He says, your PREPARATION has not been up to the OPPORTUNITIES that I have given you.  You could have been doing better.  You can do better now.  You potentially can do better in the future.  (spoiler alert:  HE DOES!)

Rebukes are always hard and people often don't do very well with them.  Usually, they just double down on their original position and don't leave any room for God.  Here, Nicodemus takes a rebuke right down his Main Street.  Jesus challenges him at his job:  "You should have known this stuff already.  It's in the Bible.  It's in creation and in your body and soul.  I 've already shown you a whole bunch of stuff.  You haven't done your job, so when I get to the more amazing stuff, how are you going to be ready?"

God is knowable...for the prepared.(with the help of the Lord)
God is reachable...for those who reach.(with the help of the Lord)
God is within arms reach...for those who extend their elbow.(with the help of the Lord)
God can be seen...for those who open their eyes (with the help of the Lord)
God can be grasped...for those who receive what's already been given (with the help of the Lord)
God can be heard...for those who listen for what has been testified to. (with the help of the Lord)

So then, how are you doing with the opportunities God has already given? Has your preparation met the OPPORTUNITIES He has given? For Nic, the answer was NO.  What is your answer?  Listen and find out in 7 minutes.