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Women, not men get the first appearances of Jesus after resurrection.  You just gotta love Jesus' sense of irony in entrusting these females with the greatest news of all time.  Jesus is very pro-women! Anyone who says otherwise hasn't read or understood the Bible.  

It was a surprise.  Absolutely no one anticipates that He would rise from the dead.  They are surprised when they encounter a stone-moving lightening-appearing angel who demonstrates the empty tomb. But wait, it gets better.

Jesus meets these women as they move quickly to tell the male disciples.  As if seeing an angel isn't enough for one day's experience.  Their response is just perfect.

1. Fall down or bow down
2. Grab hold of His feet
3. Worship Him above all others and above all else.
4. Do what He says

They are a perfect picture of Biblical Wonder: encounter; fall down; grab hold; worship; and obey.  Thank you for joining me in this great message, great experience and great womanly response.  May we all do the same.

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