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We all have something in our lives that is difficult. These trials can produce something good in our character, but that is after we do the right thing.

So how can we do the right thing without KNOWING what the right thing is and applying it?

WISDOM = KNOWledge rightly applied to REALITY.  That is your real trials.

So what would you ask Dear Abby today?  This would identify your great trial today.  Then, we look at our foundations and resources to bring to bear upon our difficulty.  Likely, we'll come up a bit short.  So then, let us ASK FOR WISDOM.  But from who?????? From A God we affirm is good, who is generous, and who is a giver of exactly our most needful thing: wisdom.  Godly and godly wisdom.

Reading this blurb as we ask for wisdom. Listen 7 minutes to ask for a bit more.  After you get it, share, re-tweet, like, or subscribe at if you wish.