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You may be wondering WHAT to listen to.  There are lots of episodes.  Where should I start?  You could start at the beginning, or you may want to try these highlights.  I suppose they are my favorites. These are offered to get you started.  My hope and desire for you is that you'd be blessed to listen every day.


#184 I hope you have conflict#169 The Value of a soul#162 I'll take CRUMBS#102 Sparrow Lives Matter#54, 55, 56 Mary of Magdala, Joanna, and Suzzanna#65 Ready to be sought.  Ready to be FOUND#77 These are my people


#63 Hold it Fast.  One hand for the King (Sailing Ship)#170 Do by being Undone.  (Caboose)#194 Hating Jesus (House of Cards)#184 Hope you have CONFLICT (Zebras)#182 Butch Cassidy of Pursuit (Who ARE those guys?)#161 Anatomy (mouth is connected to....)#27 Worst day of the year for a christian (worst)#29 Easter (the antidote to #27)#129 Geographic Selfie (dirt and skin of little child)

MY "qualifications" as a Podcaster

#96, #97, and #98 ending with God in His BATHROBE


#189  What are 2  or 3 agreeing and gathering about?#185 the most DIFFICULT thing in the world#174 Belonging to the people of God#176 Beloning to Christ#163 Be With Me +1.  (I was gonna skip this scripture!  oops!)