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Poetically, 30 pieces of Silver was the price paid for the life of a slave.  (Ex 21:32) Jesus was initially priced as a slave.  Likely, it was meant as an adequate amount enough that the thief Judas would be interested, but poetically disrespectfully low enough to insult Jesus.

But then after Judas has a change of his assessment in Mt 27:9 he brings the money back and throws it in the temple.  Then we find out the real kicker:  this act fulfills a PROPHECY.  What? Judas fulfills a prophecy?  Yup. 

Back in Zechariah 11:11-13, the prophet Zechariah's work was valued at 30 pieces of silver.  He asked the people for his wages and they assessed it at 30 pieces of silver.  Not enough.  Outrage.  Insult.  The Lord told him to throw it into the temple at a potter who was sitting there.  We find the prophet of God grossly mis-valued by the people.  Judas will do the same thing 500 years later.

But the Matthew passage says it fulfills a prophecy in JEREMIAH.  That's from Jeremiah 19:1-15 that also references a potter that makes a pot that is broken in judgment against a stiff-necked, rebellious people.  If Zechariah describes the event, then Jeremiah describes the era.  It is the hour of judgement against Israel.  I think Jesus is proclaiming a similar hour. 

The mis-valuing of the prophet was first done by the people of Zechariah's time.
The amount was rejected and thrown into the temple.
The mis-valuing of the Son of God was then done by Judas.
the amount was rejected and thrown into the temple.
So even JUDAS realized that 30 pieces of silver wasn't enough!

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