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This Podcast has occasional critics.  Often, their protest is something like, "You guys just CANNOT know God.  You CANNOT be friends with God".  Today, I am appreciating their sentiments.  I suppose it should be just as amazing to me as it is to them.  Yup, sometimes I can hardly believe it either.

Jesus reiterates a final commandment:  Love one another (that part is old) AS I HAVE LOVED YOU (that part is new).  The problem is that He then defines it as the ultimate laying down one's life for them.

The good news is that is one thing that makes us friends.  The second is REVELATION.  Just like our friendships are all about getting to know; interesting conversations; what do you think about...; and all the INTIMACIES each other, so it is with God.  Jesus has revealed all this about God and in so doing now makes 11 new friends.  

That we might be God's FRIENDS: chosen, elected, sacrificed for, and revealed to blows my mind.  I can see how our critics can't get over it either. Whether you are a jaw-dropped believer, or a critic, I thank you for listening and considering.  Subscribe on Spotify or google podcasts.