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Nicodemus turns out to be one of the most courageous men of the Bible, though we don't find out about it in Jn 3.  It is a bit of a cliffhanger until Jn 19.  It is worth the wait.

A characteristic of the Christian walk is courage.  We need courage to face the stuff that God has for us personally.  That is hard enough.  "But wait! there's more!" We also need courage to help the friends around us walk their Christian walk.  It is nicely called "Christian Fellowship" in the business.  My preferred term:  being the VELVET BRICK.

I had a dear friend who actually was KNOWN as the the VELVET BRICK.  This was spoken of  with a great deal of admiration because it demonstrated the difficult to achieve characteristic of Nicodemus:  his COURAGE.  That is the brick part.  The velvet part is the beauty of Christian love and fellowship and faithfulness and meekness.  It is so much easier to achieve impact and motion with our fellow walkers with God when we do it kindly.

Oh for friends who are both BRICKS and VELVET as they demonstrate the courage of Nicodemus!  Listen, and go be that velvet brick.  share podcast, as always.