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Our allegiance to God should result in evidence. The Children resemble the family. We should be in a new relationship with sin: NOT making a practice of it. NOT being in the habit of it. Agreeing with God by being horrified by it.

Then, we take this internal transformation outside.  We love the sisterhood. We love the knuckleheads God has placed around us in the church. Our behavior should leave a trail of the breadcrumbs. This trail of tenderness acts as a witness to ourselves, to our brothers and those not yet in the family. It probably will be sacrificial, inconvenient, and frustrating.

The way we are going to pull all of this off is by ABIDING in God: staying with Him, remaining, lodging with and relying on Him. This is the engine He's provided to empower the love of the brotherhood. for more BEST OF tomorrow. I so appreciate your ear and your soul.