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I'm 60% sure it was DL Moody who when finding out he was terminal said, "Gather my children about me and I will teach them how to die." Stephen gives us a crash course in Acts 7.  The people around him were not listening to his 'lesson', they literally had their fingers in their ears.  Let's do a better job hearing his wisdom.

1. Be full of the Holy Spirit: die a believer.  What is plan b?
2. Pursue the character and characteristics of God in the ways we have available to see glory.
3. Be ready for a Trinity party.  Stephen got one at the end.  Maybe God will be good to us at the end.
4. Pledge, and directionally dedicate your soul TOWARDS the Lord.  Everybody is going to live forever.  I suggest heading toward Him when we "fall asleep" here.
5. Know that I will require forgiveness and grace 30 seconds AFTER I die.  Therefore, generously give forgiveness and grant grace in the 30 seconds BEFORE I die.  Bonus, do that before the 30 seconds before your death.

Listen 7 minutes to Stephen's MASTER CLASS on how to die well.  If you haven't died yet, subscribe on Stitcher, Apple, Spotify or Google podcasts.  Any directory you may prefer carries this podcast.  It will be sent to you daily on the directory you prefer.  Or, sign up for a daily send at write at [email protected]