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Oh for spiritual friends to lift our voices together to the One true God. May the Holy Spirit help us bring scripture to mind to help us make sense of the moment.

Lord, You are at work, and I want to be a part of it! I voice my trust in Your activity here.  Let me participate in the building of Your kingdom.  Do what Your hand and Your plan desire. Grant me a voice to speak with boldness in alignment with You.  Stretch out Your hand to heal and do Your wonders in people.  May Jesus' name go forth.  

Listen 7 minutes today and with the Lord's help, 7 minutes tomorrow.  Subscribe at Write at [email protected].  Apple Podcasts. Deezer.  Spotify. Audible.Google.  Be With Me is available on your phone every day.  Attach this listen and this prayer to a habit of your day.  Event-stack it.