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Buckle in for one of the 'best' verses in the whole book of Acts.
And there is salvation: Yeah! rescue. Hope.
In no one else: Exclusive. Not me, not politicians, not athletes, not the powerful or beautiful.
For there is no other name under heaven: Inclusive invitation to all the world who call.
Given among men: this is a universal, world wide GIFT.
By which we MUST be saved: There is a demand.  It is insistent. 

As to the insistence, Jesus said the same thing to Nicodemus.  You MUST be born again.  My response feels similar to Nicodemus' words: "How can these things be?"  Perhaps you are wondering the same. How did I receive so much blessing?  Or maybe for you, "How am I offered so much blessing?"  May you have the grace today to respond.  Subscribe to get more grace tomorrow: or Deezer, PodcastAddict, etc.