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Real belief usually starts with real questions.  If the physical world we live in has crashed into the spiritual world, you'll likely have some questions.  If God really really really has come down, you'll have a few inquires about it.  If you are introduced to Jesus 'one day,' you will want to know about the thousands of years of planning that went into that moment.

Do you have some spiritual questions?  If so, you are in good company.  In fact, you are in EXCELLENT company.  Questions are even a MARK of spiritual activity; of spiritual ENCOUNTER.  Doesn't every spiritual yielding, every spiritual moving, begin with a real question?

What is your question today?  Of course, you have one.  Even Jesus has one for you: "Do you believe?" Stick around with me in this podcast.  We will answer one good question a day or so.  I am privileged to ask and answer them each day with you.  If I don't get to ALL of the questions today, then come back tomorrow.  I'd imagine heaven might just be like that. Please subscribe on Google or Apple or Spotify podcasts.  Sign up for a daily send of this at