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Pilate gets the chance of a lifetime.  He gets to be literally near the kingdom, and the KING.  It rattles him a little bit, but probably not enough.

Pilate inquires as to whether Jesus is KING.  Jesus asks the super-great question in follow-up. He asks, "Do you say this of your own accord, or did others s say it to you about me?"  I think that means, "Are you asking for others, or are you asking for YOURSELF?  Are you personally wrestling whether I am KING? Or are we just talking of you in your role as Roman Governor?"

We all are near to the kingdom.  I know that because you are here reading and listening to this.  So let's go the next step.  Be near.  Be hearers. Be truth seekers.  Be Truth finders.  Let's be like Pilate in some ways:  Inquire PERSONALLY.  But unlike him, let's tell Jesus that He really is King!

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