The Persians invented crucifixion in about 300BC.  Yet, Psalm 22 refers to "they have pierced my hands and feet" in about 1000BC.  700 years before the technique was invented.  It is my favorite of the Psalm 22 prophesies about Jesus' crucifixion.  

There are many other fulfilled prophesies in Psalm 22.  We want to get at the "forsaking", so we are finding out the context of the passage, like good Bible students.
We hear of garments distributed by lots, wagging heads, mocking for God to rescue, questions about possible abandonment, surrounding by enemies, wide open mouths, bones out of joint, strength dried up and the piercing.  Sure sounds like a specific laser beam to our cross.

There are many gems in scripture.  Reading Psalm 22 gives the New Testament believer a great assurance as to the accuracy of the Old Testament.  It gives one a reassurance as to its accuracy in preservation over the centuries.  And with actual, specific, fulfilled prophecy, Psalm 22 cries out:  the Bible is TRUE!.  Enjoy that reality with me.  Please Share this podcast right this very second.