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Nobody wants JUSTICE when it relates to our own sinfulness. Nobody wants to pay the price of justice for our personal errors.  So our dear Lord makes another way.  He sends Jesus to take the penalty for us.  He gives us MERCY if we spiritually agree with Him.

Yet, there are some who know a lot about Jesus, who perhaps have attended church, listened to sermons, stuck their toe into Christian fellowship, have "tasted" the mercy of God and said, "NO! NOT FOR ME. I'LL MAKE MY OWN WAY. I'LL bear the penalties myself. They were offered and understood MERCY yet chose self-JUSTICE, which is no justice at all." They tasted, but spit it out.  They were offered MERCY but chose self-JUSTICE. Don't let this be you. Don't become DULL to the pointy-end of CONVICTION. Spotify Audible Castbox Podcasts.