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In all of human history, the most unjust suffering that ever happened was to Jesus.  He was spotless.  He didn't deserve it. 100% of it was unjust. 

The Father could have stopped it. The Father had the ABILITY TO SAVE HIM FROM DEATH. Jesus asked that "the cup would pass from me. Nevertheless, not as I will, but as YOU will." (Note the perfect submission) The Father "says NO". He was ABLE and chose not to.  Why?

For God so LOVED He gave...He was ABLE to save and yet, He GAVE. For who? Knuckleheads like you and I. He gave His Son for us. I think it was quite painful FOR THE FATHER, as well as Jesus, especially because the Father had the ABILITY to save Him, but CHOSE TO SAVE US. Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts.