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Is the MOST FAMOUS verse in the Bible also the MOST FAMOUS verse IN MY SOUL?  Maybe it should be.  I probably should think about its' value in general, and especially its' value to me and my soul. With that in mind, let's soberly consider it.

For God:  It starts with Him; is sourced in Him; is initiated with Him.  Without this, we'd all be lost.  This is the foundation the rest of this great wonder rests on.

So Loved:  God has lots of great qualities.  Hesed, faithfulness, justice, mercy.  Sometimes I even get a shine about God's wrath on my holiest of days. I am also thinking of His creativity, correction and forgiveness.  But today, He majors this whole rescue plan on LOVE.  I drew a picture in my head and in my Bible.  An arrow zooming out of the heart of God.

The World:  Yup, that means all the enemies of God.  Which is everybody.

Gave His only Son:  He uses family language here to help us understand how much this hurt. We glimpse at it when some thing or some one messes with my children or grandchildren.  

When God gives His only Son, to the tribes of the world, out of love, in an initiation by Him to do something for us, WE PROBABLY SHOULD PAY ATTENTION.  Wonder.  Consider. Admire.  And then what?  What should I DO?  Listen 7 minutes and find out.