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A whole marriage gets killed at the end of this story.  Now that we hear about it, we are going to be responsible for the reason WHY.  Yikes.  Let's pay heed and not do what they do.

A whole marriage agrees to lie to men and God about how much land was sold for. It is the world's smallest conspiracy.  They agree to sell.  They agree to lie about the amount.  Then they stick to their story when asked.  It results in the death of a marriage.

In a lot of ways it is a happy story of financial liberty, marital unity, & public witness.  We find the Lord very close: listening, seeing and acting.  Who wouldn't want that? Well, anyone who finds themselves lying to men; lying to God; and testing the grace and forbearance of God.

This story changed the hearts and hopefully the behavior of the people of Acts.  May it change ours as well.  

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