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Paul is yelling at the Galatians to have faith.  He uses the great Abraham who gets an opportunity to make this deal with God: No land, No children, No food, No heirs, No freedom, and No unmodified male genitalia. Why would anybody take this deal?

Well, because there are a couple of kickers in the deal:

You get ME. The PERSON of God. I am your very great rewardYou get PROMISES of all that good stuff above.

In other words, I want you to take the deal because of ME and my trustworthiness to the PROMISES I am making.  Essentially, 2000 years ago, the deal with God was by FAITH.  Now, in 48 AD, you Galatians get the opportunity to make the SAME DEAL WITH GOD.  It too is by faith in a whole bunch of PROMISES you don't yet see, and in the PERSON of God.

And now, 2000 years down the road from the Galatians, God offers the SAME DEAL to me: 1. the PERSON of God. You get ME. I am your reward. 2. Bunch of PROMISES you don't yet see.  Abraham takes the deal. The Galatians take the deal. You too can take the deal, BY FAITH, just like they did.  Share this with your favorite person. Subscribe at Sign up for a daily podcast at Apple, google, stitcher, Spotify. Like and follow on Facebook or instagram.