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Who are my people?:  people in the church, people outside the church.  No problem there.
Who are my people's PARTS?:  Now wait just a minute.  Their FEET?  Their nasty bits? Their overworked, over-dirtied, and probably more stinky than I might like parts?
What are my duties?: Wash. Humility. more Humility. Serve.  Bow.  Get on the floor.  Just try washing a foot sometime.  The floor will be involved.
Why?:  I'd like to get out of this if possible.  Jesus examples this.  Then after exampling, incase you missed the actual illustration, He describes and explains and commands it. Just as I have done to you.
Who am I?: This is not my job only if I don't understand who I am.  Jesus helps with that too: You are servant.  You are bondservant.  You are messenger.  I am Lord and Teacher.

We'll be looking for feet to wash today.  Join me in this great bowing down.

Please share this message.  Better yet, find a collection of feet to wash.