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We must let God be God.  In other words, He is revealing Himself in a certain way.  He is active in certain ways and not in others.  We cannot pick and choose.  We really need to stand back and marvel.

In 1 Samuel 3:18 it says that Eli, after hearing about what God was up to, said, "It is the Lord, let him do what seems good to Him."  Today, Jesus reveals stuff about Himself that we should start with marveling, and then head to LETTING HIM be as He chooses.  

He reveals Himself in equality in the Trinity.  He reveals Himself in being a life giver.  He reveals Himself in being qualified and appointed to Judge.  Our response should be study, learning, trying to understand, and then head toward marveling.  When we are almost done, we'd best include some HONORING and worship.  For, "Who else is like God?"  Nobody.  Nohow!

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