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If you are a believer, then today's wonder is about how good God has been to you and is a story about what He did for you.
If you are a not-yet-believer, then today's wonder is about how good God is being to you and is a story about what He is doing for you now.

God is doing some heavy lifting here.  He is DRAWING, He is CONVICTING, He is GOING AFTER, and He is going after UNTIL FOUND.  That's not even my favorite part!  Then, He LAYS YOU UPON HIS SHOULDERS.  What a beautiful image.  How much walking do you do to get home? Not so much.  It again emphasizes that the "work" of God, is to believe and specifically here:  REPENT as a sinner.  (You'll be in good company, 100% of believers did the same thing)

Listen.  and today...if He is drawing you and convicting you and pursuing you...then how 'bout a little cooperation and BE FOUND.  AGREE that you are lost.  REPENT and admit that you have a sin problem that cannot be fixed.  But you can be rescued.  How about today?