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Andrew gets his first question from Jesus and it is a doozy: "What are you seeking?"
Andrew's answer knocked me today.  He did NOT say, eternal life, or happiness, or a million dollars, or relational peace, or a savior that knocks out the Romans.  What he did say was:

"Where are you staying?" 

What is your location today, tonight and tomorrow?  Where will you be? Where are you now?  Andrew then strings together a long series of those NOWS and to this day, he still is in the location of the Lord. He lived the rest of his life at the location of the Lord physically while Jesus was here and then faithfully after Jesus left.  Then, he died in the faith.  He went all the way to the end.  Then, and now, Andrew is found in the presence of the Lord in heaven.  From this moment on, Andrew never leaves the "location" of Jesus.

Lord, I want Your "address".  I want to be where You are.  I want to stay here by Your side, today, tonight, tomorrow, the next day until...until forever.  Thanks for joining me.  Share this with someone who knows where Jesus lives.