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Hebrews makes the case that Jesus is the SUPER-PRIEST: effective, permanent, unrivaled, and strong.

To do so, the writer goes all the way back to our super-relative Abram, before he even got his full name from God. He does this super-brave thing in Genesis 14 after his not so super-nephew LOT, of salt-fame, gets captured by a Mesopotamian super-army of 4 kings.  Abram attacks with his 318 men and wins with the Lord's help. On the way home, Abram encounters the super-priest of that day, Melchizedek. Abram gives a tithe to the super-priest of his day, and in so doing says this super-priest is "greater" than Abram as a super-relative.

So our main allegiance, our main affections, our main devotion simply must go to the real Super-Priest, JESUS. Follow me on instagram to hear more about this super-priest tomorrow. Apple Podcasts work too. Like share subscribe comment.