With hats off today to C.S. Lewis, we conclude that Jesus is NOT a GOOD MAN.  Even some of the participants in today's account get that message.  A good man does not say He is LORD.

If you say you are Lord, there are three logical conclusions.  One of them is NOT "Jesus is a Good Man".  We are past that already.
You are a LUNATIC  (you are NOT the Lord, and you THINK you are).  

this person deserves our pity

You are a LIAR (you are NOT the Lord and you KNOW you are NOT)

this person deserves our scorn

You are the Lord (You ARE the Lord and You Know you are)

this Person deserves our allegiance, our belief, and our worship

I welcome you who are disturbed by Jesus' message.  If you feel challenged, unseated, undone, crushed, elbowed in then you are a friend of mine.  If you want to scream, "I don't LIKE the Bible!", then perhaps that is the drawing of God.  I have prayed for you this morning.  If you want to read more, pick up MERE CHRISTIANITY by C.S. Lewis, as I stole all of this from him.  Listen to the One who CANNOT be (just) a Good Man.